Play Truth or Dare Online

The game of truth or dare has been a staple of slumber parties and college fun for many years now. Online truth or dare games can help you come up with clever questions and dares if you’re stuck for ideas. 

You can even play online with people all over the world using a webcam on some sites.

Truth or Dare Online

Truth or Dare Online is one of the easiest sites to use. The site offers a webcam feature called Bouncecam, but it hasn’t yet gone live. To play, you will need friends with you.

With a rating system that ranges from G to X, this website caters to a wide range of audiences. G, PG-13, and R ratings can be compared to movie ratings. Only adults are allowed to view the X rating. Selectable options are available for each option.

There are two main options to choose from.

  • The buttons Truth, Dare, and Random can be selected quickly if you are in a hurry. In this case, you will be given a truth or dare, and the system will automatically default to PG-13. 
  • Upon rating the dare, you’ll be taken back to the home screen where you can play again, but you have to wait at least 30 seconds between each click.
  • If you would like a more structured party, you can name your game. Decide whether you are in a teen/college environment or an adult environment. Once you’ve selected the questions you’d like to answer, you’ll need to select the rating for them. You can select advanced options after choosing your preference lists, such as the type of party (e.g., classic slumber party, flirting fun, drinking game). Depending on your membership level, some options are only available to subscribers, which costs $25 to $50.

Appropriately Daring Challenges

The dares are pretty true to the age group that you choose. They can be as easy as sticking socks in your clothing or taking on a more adult turn. Some dares are silly, but they are creative and fun. 

This website also offers you the feature to create your own dares and truth questions for your party. Some dares can get a bit gross or include materials that aren’t available, and the FAQ does offer you options for how to handle these situations.

Pros and Cons

There are many things to like about this website.

  • Questions designed for all audiences
  • Diversity of using the website and ease of getting the questions
  • Offers a leaderboard and option to submit your answers online, as well as compare your answers to others who have used the site
  • You can create your own material that is tailored to your friends.
  • Offers fun ways to mix it up like the double dare.

Understandably, the site also has its share of shortcomings.

  • The site lacks an online playing option.
  • Some questions are a bit risky for younger audiences. For example, under the PG-13 rating, it does have the dare to play in your underwear.
  • There is a time limit on choosing questions. You must wait at least 30 seconds before you can choose another truth or dare.
  • Some game options have limited questions, and you can find yourself getting some repeats. This is because the content is dependent on specific answers and have certain ratios of truth or dare.
  • Unless you subscribe, there isn’t a log-in option to save your preferences.


Are you looking for a quick way to find great truth or dare questions without setting up a game or registering? getDare might be more your style. This one just requires you to have a group of friends to play with and internet access. 

You won’t need to take time to set-up or choose a level, since this is more of a click-and-play type game.

The easy-to-use interface simply requires you to choose between truth and dare. The questions that come up are not based on several pre-selected factors; instead, it just offers you a large database of questions that were submitted by users. 

If you want your game to be a bit more structured, you can submit player names by clicking on the turntable. To post comments, you must log in or register.

Adult-Oriented Challenges

Looking over the dares and the ad content as well as the comments on the site, this site is designed for adult players. The forums are also very sexually oriented; therefore, this is a very 18+ game.

The dares range from silly PG-rated dares to R-rated stripping, and there are even some X-rated dares in there. For example, you’ll see dares like stripping above the waist or getting a swirlie. There isn’t really any way to control what will come up, so the type of dares are very random.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If you are just looking for some fun questions to throw out to your sorority, this might be the game for you. Pros include:

  • Easy access to questions
  • Ability to connect with others on the forum
  • Commenting allows you to share your experience
  • Offers a great variety of truth or dare questions

There are some disadvantages to this easy-to-play game as well.

  • Inability to tailor the questions to your party
  • No online playing
  • No way to control the content and material seen on the site
  • Not designed for younger ages

Come Play’s Truth or Dare Online

If you want to play online with other people around the world, join Sasha Zeilig in her Friday Truth or Dare challenges at Come Play’s Truth or Dare Online. You will need a camera to post to the group and you will also need a Facebook account to join. 

To get into the group, you must verify that you are 18, as well as where you live and how you heard of the game.

For this game, a challenge is posted on Friday and you will complete the challenge with the other people within the group. As of this writing, there are 65 members of the group. To play the game, you simply accept the challenge and document you completing it. 

The challenges are posted on YouTube and shared in the group. On Thursday, Sasha will provide awards and accolades to the best responses.

For Mature Players Only

While the group is designed for ages 18 and up, there aren’t any nudity questions, bodily fluid exchanges or strange drinks to down. However, there are very adult challenges that discuss masturbation or sexual topics. 

As such, it is not at all appropriate for younger players. When you sign up for this Facebook group, it will ask you if you are above 18.

The Good and the Bad

While most of the reviews for this game discuss the live performances, the online game does offer some distinct pros.

  • You get to document your game with others online.
  • You can choose not to accept the challenge.
  • The group environment allows you to meet new people and connect with other people outside your group.
  • Many find the game and challenges to be fun and creative.

At the same time, this game isn’t for everyone.

  • You need to be part of the Facebook group.
  • The game is designed only for adults.
  • Joining the group can open your personal Facebook to strangers.
  • You are providing strangers with very personal information.

Truth or Dare!?

If you’d prefer the convenience of playing on your iPhone or iPad, you can find this app in the iTunes store. There’s also an online version that you can use too.

To play this game on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, open the app and then choose between the multi-player and couple options. Enter the players’ names and start the game. You will spin a top and it will select a player. 

This means that the same player could go multiple times in a row. Select truth or dare and the fun begins.

Intended Audience

This app is designed for 17+ and has mild sexual content. It also has mature themes and crude humor. The challenges can range from easy to hard and from hot to dirty. While both the easy and hot levels are available, the other levels need to be unlocked. 

You can do this by playing through the game or paying a onetime fee of $2.99 to $7.99.

User Reviews

On iTunes, Truth or Dare!? has a very positive rating of approximately 4.5 stars for its current version. Reviewer El Britt likes the custom dares feature that “makes this app. You can create dares of your own, inserting variables coding for player names into the text, which is really cool.” Search Man also shows very positive reviews from users.

Epic Truth or Dare

If you have an Android device, the Google Play Store has you covered with several truth or dare apps. One of the most highly rated is Epic Truth or Dare. After downloading the app, you simply tap on the button and a suggestion comes up. 

Once you complete your challenge, you simply tap on the screen again to get a new challenge. This allows you to play alone or with friends.

Diverse Questions for Almost Everyone

The challenges in this app are diverse, including dares like make a prank call or go out and hug a stranger. While Google ranks this app for everyone, there are some questionable dares that might not be appropriate for all audiences. Additionally, the challenges do tend to repeat.

Positive Feedback

The vast majority of the 4,000+ users who rated the app think highly of it, earning an aggregate score of over four stars out of five. Some five-star users said it was “fun to play with a lot of friends” and others said they “loved the app.” 

The comparatively smaller number of lower ratings complained of repeat questions and that some dares are “inappropriate.”

Dare to Party

Truth or dare is an age-old game that is reminiscent of hanging out with your besties at a slumber party. Online games give this old classic a new twist, allowing you to play alone, with friends or in an online group. 

Whether you are a couple looking to spice up your relationship or you want a fun game to play at your 16th birthday party, these are fun games designed for all age groups. Then, you are left with just one big decision to make: Do you choose truth or dare?

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